
Showing posts from July, 2024

Leadership Styles: The 11 Most Common & How to I Found Mine [+ Expert Insights]

via Marketing Imagine the leaders that inspire you. Each is likely unique, with a different style they use to meet goals, motivate, and animate their teams. There are many different styles of leadership, and each can have a different impact on a company. In my experience, leadership styles can evolve over time, and I would argue that many of us can identify with several. Different circumstances or teams ask for different leadership approaches. For example, I lead a boutique marketing agency with a small team, and I identify most with the democratic leadership type. Over the years, though, my leadership style has definitely changed. Earlier in my career, I might’ve said my leadership type was transactional or pacesetting leadership. Now, I’m more aligned with democratic leadership. Knowing your leadership style in depth can help you become a better leader for your team. In this post, I’ll cover the most common types of leadership, how they influence busines

33 Great Landing Page Examples You'll Want to Copy in 2024

via Marketing While many landing pages look different and use a variety of strategies to pull in audiences, they all serve one major purpose — to convert visitors to the next stage in the buyer's journey . Table of Contents What is the purpose of a landing page? What is a good landing page conversion rate? Great Examples of Landing Page Design Simple Landing Pages Product Landing Pages Webinar Landing Page Examples Course Landing Page Examples B2B Landing Page Examples Membership Landing Page Examples Newsletter Landing Page Examples Rather than serving as a basic advertisement that shows a customer a product, a landing page aims to engage a customer by offering them something that relates to the product or the company's industry. When they fill out the form and receive a interesting content, they might be even more likely to trust your brand and become a customer. Quick tip: Want an easy way to add a form to your landing page? HubSp