
Showing posts from January, 2024

How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide [+ Free Blog Post Templates]

via Marketing If you’ve ever read a blog post, you’ve consumed content from a thought leader that is an expert in their industry. Chances are if the blog post was written effectively, you came away with helpful knowledge and a positive opinion about the writer or brand that produced the content. Anyone can connect with their audience through blogging and enjoy the myriad benefits that blogging provides: organic traffic from search engines, promotional content for social media, and recognition from a new audience you haven’t tapped into yet. If you’ve heard about blogging but are a beginner and don’t know where to start, the time for excuses is over. Not only can you create an SEO-friendly blog , but I’ll cover how to write and manage your business's blog as well as provide helpful templates to simplify your blogging efforts. Let's get started with an important question. Blogging may mean different things depending on your niche — so let’s begin with

Diving Deep Into Marketing for Restaurants (My Takeaways)

via Marketing I’m fortunate to live in a city that has a thriving restaurant scene (it’s most known for its barbecue and Tex-Mex, if that gives you any hint). And while I don’t consider myself a food connoisseur by any means, I was a food journalist in a past life, so I continue to stay on top of the latest stories and trends surrounding the restaurant industry. To do this, I follow a lot of restaurants on social media. I also subscribe to their newsletters, attend their special events, enter their giveaways, and sign up for their rewards programs. And because my marketing brain never shuts off, I can’t help but be curious about these restaurant marketing strategies . How well do they work? Which channels do these restaurants perform best on? How do established restaurants maintain interest after the grand opening buzz wears down? To figure out the answers to these questions, I’m digging deep into restaurant marketing ideas, strategies, and real-life campaig