
Showing posts from July, 2023

24 Best Sample Business Plans & Examples to Help You Write Your Own

via Marketing Reading sample business plans is essential when you’re writing your own. As you explore business plan examples from real companies and brands, you’ll learn how to write one that gets your business off on the right foot, convinces investors to provide funding, and confirms your venture is sustainable for the long term. But what does a business plan look like? And how do you write one that is viable and convincing? Let's review the ideal business plan formally, then take a look at business plan templates and samples you can use to inspire your own. Business Plan Format Ask any successful sports coach how they win so many games, and they’ll tell you they have a unique plan for every single game. The same logic applies to business. If you want to build a thriving company that can pull ahead of the competition, you need to prepare for battle before breaking into a market. Business plans guide you along the rocky journey of growing a company.

How AI Will Change Podcast and Video, According to Riverside's Head of Marketing

via Marketing Podcasting and video are two undeniably powerful opportunities for reaching new audiences and increasing brand awareness. In fact, there are currently over 140 million podcast listeners in the U.S. alone, and more than 40% of U.S. users report watching online videos each day. But creating strong video or audio content takes time, effort, and resources. Fortunately, AI is about to shift how every business creates audio and video content — leaving your team with more time to focus on big-picture strategy, and less time on pre-production, editing, and more. Here, learn why Riverside's Head of Marketing, Abel Grunfeld , is more excited than ever about the future of audio and video when it comes to AI. How AI Will Change Podcast and Video, According to Riverside's Head of Marketing 1. AI will enable podcast and video hosts to facilitate deeper conversations. As someone who regularly interviews thought leaders for the HubSpot Blog, I&#

13 Best TikTok Tips & Tricks in 2023, According to HubSpot’s Social Team + Marketer Data

via Marketing On TikTok, anyone can go viral. But due to its quirky nature, it's often the most creative or silly videos that skyrocket. To increase your chances of being seen, there are a few tips and tricks we recommend you try.  From leveraging trending audio to green screen effects, read on to discover the 13 best TikTok tricks, according to HubSpot's Social Team. 1. Find the right niche. "T he algorithm favors niches. I f you get traffic based on a particular style or type of content, videos outside of that  won’t  perform as well," Nicole Phillip , Social Media Lead at the Hustle, told me. Of course, finding the right niche isn't so easy. You have to find the sweet spot between the content that works for your brand and the content that your audience finds valuable. To strike this balance, Phillip suggests experimenting with different types of content to see what resonates — and then stick with it. Example: Mia Swinehart from

Marketing 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

via Marketing If you're new to marketing, you might have a skewed perception of it. You might imagine a multimillion-dollar Super Bowl ad or a glowing billboard in Times Square. Marketing is much more than that. It encompasses a variety of channels, tactics, and formats — and can work for any business at any budget. The key to getting started is knowing the fundamentals. Here, I'll walk you through some beginner-friendly marketing channels and how to build your first marketing strategy. Cost-Effective Marketing Channels Building Your First Marketing Strategy Cost-Effective Marketing Channels If you're just getting started with marketing, here are a few cost-effective channels to consider: Content marketing The entire premise of content marketing is to provide valuable content to your audience. This can be blog posts, videos, podcasts, e-books, and more. Unlike a pop-up ad, this type of marketing isn‘t disruptive. It’s supposed to feel natur