
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Complete Checklist for Creating Compelling Calls-to-Action

via Marketing Lots of times, when marketers want to make a big impact on their marketing, they focus on going after a big project: big email campaigns, big website redesigns, big social media plans, big everything. But while big projects can have big payoffs, you don't have all the time in the world to execute them. You've got lots of other things on your plate -- the only free time you have left in your day is the 43 minutes on Wednesday between scarfing down your bagged lunch and your weekly 1:00 p.m. client call.  Yeah ... not a lot of time for those big campaigns, huh?  The good news is you don't need them to make a big impact on your marketing -- often, a smaller tweak can work wonders. And one of the smallest changes you can implement with the biggest splash is call-to-action (CTA) revamps. On our own CTAs, we've seen small changes yield 30% increase in conversion ... which is no chump change.  So if you only have a few minutes in your week

Lead Generation: A Beginners Guide to Generating Business Leads the Inbound Way

via Marketing Let’s set the stage: I’m about to dig into the best darn pile of spaghetti I’ve ever seen, and the phone rings. “May I speak to Lindsay Kow-low-witch?” asks the telemarketer on the other end. “This is an important message regarding your oven preferences.” This frustrating interruption is why HubSpot is here to discuss inbound lead generation — a solution that can save your business or organization from being that annoying, disruptive cold caller that ruins spaghetti night. Let’s start with defining a lead, and then we’ll cover what online lead generation is, why you need lead generation, how you qualify someone as a lead, how to label lead types — such as sales qualified leads — how you generate leads, and why inbound lead generation is much more effective than simply buying leads. What is a lead? A lead is any person who indicates interest in a company’s product or service. Leads typically hear from a business or organization after opening communi

The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation

via Marketing Content creation is what happens behind the scenes. It's how Google can offer the perfect answer to your problem. It's the videos you watch on YouTube after a tough day. Content creation is also what helps people discover your business, brand, and products. And that content helps you attract, engage, and delight prospects and customers. It brings new visitors to your site and ultimately generates revenue for your company. In other words, if you're not creating content, then you're behind the curve. Why is content creation important? Content creation is the ultimate inbound marketing practice. When you create content, you're providing free and useful information to your audience, attracting potential customers to your website, and retaining existing customers through quality engagement. You're also generating some major value for your company, as these content marketing stats show: Almost 40% of marketers say content marketin

13 YouTube Description Templates That Have Helped Our Videos Go Viral

via Marketing As the second-largest search engine, with over 2 billion users per month, YouTube is an undeniably important channel for your marketing efforts. Knowing how to optimize your YouTube channel can help you increase your chances of discoverability and reach more people. One of the most important tactics for optimizing your YouTube channel is to create engaging YouTube descriptions. Here, we'll discuss how to create compelling descriptions for your YouTube channel and videos. YouTube Channel Descriptions A YouTube channel description is similar to the About Page of a website. It appears under the "About" tab of your channel's YouTube page. The YouTube channel description conveys to potential viewers what your content will cover, including the issues you tackle and the communities you serve. You'll be able to add this when setting up your YouTube channel. As a YouTube creator, your primary goal is to attract viewers and turn them in