
Showing posts from April, 2023

The 23 Best Cover Letter Examples: What They Got Right

via Marketing Fun is not something typically associated with writing a cover letter. However, with a few tweaks, writing one doesn’t have to be a burden. The cover letter examples below demonstrate that it is possible to have a little fun with your job search — and maybe even make yourself a better candidate in the process. It may be true that only 35% of recruiters admit that cover letters do not materially influence the hiring process for them , but that doesn't mean yours has to contribute to that statistic. In fact, it might be that cover letters are deemed insignificant because so few of them stand out. Here's an opportunity for you to exercise your creativity at the earliest stage of the recruitment process. Personalization, after all, goes beyond replacing the title and company name in each letter you send to recruiters. What’s on a cover letter? Before you can get started writing your cover letter, there are a few components you must have.

Social Media SEO: 10 Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO

via Marketing Often, social media and SEO conversations happen separately. Social media is meant for building relationships and engaging with your audience, while SEO seems more scientific, with specific keyword analyses to attract as many eyes as possible. However, these two facets of inbound marketing can work together to amplify the results of each other. In this blog, you’ll realize that compromise is in sight. This guide will help any marketer integrate their efforts across both platforms. Below we’ll cover the following topics: Now you know the difference between social media and SEO. So, let's dive into social media SEO. What is social media SEO? Social media SEO allows you to optimize your social profiles so you can better attract potential customers through search. SEO best practices will vary across platforms. However, the goal remains the same: finding the right audience for your brand and exposing them to products they could buy.  While

How to Clean Up Your Desktop Icons for a Productive and Streamlined Workstation: 10 Helpful Tips

via Marketing   Digital clutter can leave you feeling stressed, make your devices slow, and create roadblocks throughout your workday. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a clean desktop. If your digital space is organized, you can quickly accumulate important documents, projects, and pictures. This can be especially helpful if you use the same computer for both your professional and personal life. The good news is that keeping your computer’s desktop clean and organized is easier than it seems. This post gathers tips to help you create a clean, organized desktop that supports productivity. 10 Computer Desktop Organizing Tips These organization tips will help you turn a cluttered desktop into a clean and productive workspace. Don’t hesitate to test different methods to see what works best for your typical workflow! 1. Create a folder system. Be honest: How many files do you have on your desktop right now? 10? 20? 100? Have you lost count? If your desk