
Showing posts from December, 2022

10 Facebook Cover Photo Size & Design Best Practices [Templates]

via Marketing When people arrive at your Facebook Page, where do you think they'll look first? I'll give you a few hints. It's a visual piece of content that sits at the top of your Page. That's right — it's your Facebook cover photo. In this post, you'll learn Facebook cover photo best practices with real-world examples for each tip we recommend. To get started, let's dive into Facebook cover photo dimensions. Sometimes called your Facebook banner, this graphic is one of the most noticeable parts of your Page. A cover photo can transform your Facebook Business Page from a passive repository of your business activity to an inviting community.  Meta sets specific dimensions for cover photos to create a standard look across all Facebook Pages no matter what device they're viewed on. Here are key details to remember about your cover photo: It will be left aligned with a full bleed and have a 16:9 aspect ratio. It must be a

The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template]

via Marketing Have you been on a time crunch to create social media content? Most of us have and it's a stressful position to be in. Creating content in the moment it needs to be published is less than ideal for more reasons than you may realize. Not only is your content less likely to meet the needs of your audience, but you'll also miss out on the creative social topics and events that can be planned for in advance. In this guide, you'll get the best social media content calendar template and a step-by-step guide explaining how to use it. Use the Above Template to Plan Out Your Social Media Holiday Posts Why do I need a social media calendar? Creating a great content calendar isn't as simple as adding a few Instagram post ideas to your Google calendar. Let's take at the benefits of having a social media calendar. 1. Better Organization Having a content calendar keeps you and your team organized, which is essential when managing mul

What is a Project Charter? The Complete Guide

via Marketing Project charters provide a guiding light for any new initiative. So, whether you work as a project manager or operations professional, you’ll need to become a pro at writing these documents. Besides providing you with the authorization to begin projects, project charters help you sell your project’s viability to stakeholders. This document will also help get your entire team on board with your plans and deadlines. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about project charters. We’ll cover: What is a project charter? The Benefits of Creating Project Charters How to Write a Project Charter The Anatomy of a Project Charter Project Charter Examples Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Project Charter The Benefits of Creating Project Charters “The project charter is such an important document that a project cannot be started without one,” says Rita Mulcahy , a renowned project manager, trainer, and author. This document ca

The Ultimate List of 394 Email Spam Trigger Words to Avoid in 2023

via Marketing After spending hours creating an email marketing campaign , the last thing you want to do is get blocked by your recipients’ spam filters. Luckily, by avoiding common email spam trigger words, you can successfully prevent your emails from getting routed to spam folders. Not only does spam email marketing betray the trust of customers, but it can also contain malware and viruses. Ultimately, you’ll want to avoid sending spam emails because your customers won’t read them. Let’s look at what spam trigger words are, what gets emails sent to spam, and which spam words you should avoid when creating your email campaigns. Spam filters can be triggered for a variety of reasons, causing your email to skip recipients' inboxes and land straight in their spam inbox. One of the easiest ways to avoid spam filters is by carefully choosing the words you use in your email's subject line . Trigger words are known to cause problems and increase the chanc